Live Takes: The 5,000 Mile Away BRRRR (REALLY Long-Distance Investing)

Building a house vs. buying a house—which makes more sense for today’s investor? With home prices rising faster than many of us have ever seen before, more and more real estate investors are asking whether or not building their rentals is a smarter idea. And who can blame them? Building a rental property can seem like a great way to minimize acquisition costs, but this is only true in certain circumstances, which many investors just won’t fit into.

Welcome to Live Takes where Henry Washington, investor and On The Market guest host, joins David Greene for a live real estate Q&A. David and Henry invite four investors onto the show today to talk about each of their passive income predicaments. These topics include buying vs. building a home, how to get out of a bad BRRRR, whether or not it’s too late in life to invest in real estate, and how to invest out-of-country.

Want to ask David a question? If so, submit your question here so David can answer it on the next episode of Seeing Greene or Live Takes. Hop on the BiggerPockets forums and ask other investors their take, or follow David on Instagram to see when he’s going live so you can hop on a live Q&A and get your question answered on the spot!