BiggerPockets Podcast 070: From Zero to Hundreds of Deals in Under Two Years with Grant Kemp

On today’s episode of the BiggerPockets Podcast, we sit down and chat with a real estate investor who is absolutely CRUSHING IT in a very unique niche.  Grant Kemp, from the Dallas Area, got his start in real estate only 2 years ago and already has hundreds of transactions under his belt, and regularly purchases 6-15 properties a month!

On the show today, Grant shares with us the dirty details on his business and shows how YOU can start capitalizing on more leads, make more income, and spend less (or even none) of your own money to make it all happen!  The best part is: Grant’s strategy relies on generating profits from leads that most real estate investors simply throw away by utilizing subject-to purchases and mortgage wraps! Don’t miss a second of this incredible interview and prepare to have your mind blown!

BiggerPockets Podcast 069: Getting Your First Deal, Quitting Your Job, and Successful Marketing with Brandon Krieg

On today’s episode of the BiggerPockets Podcast, we sit down and chat with a real estate investor who is a successful wholesaler and rehabber out of the Grand Rapids, Michigan area.

 Brandon Krieg shares his insights on how he transitioned out of a full-time job to become a full time real estate investor and shares some incredible insight for others who are thinking about making the leap themselves. During the show, Brandon speaks on the importance of integrity in business and the priority of taking care of family and then continues on to shed light on his innovative marketing tactics, that has him averaging a 15-25% response rate with direct mail!

Whether you are a new investor struggling to figure out how to generate deal flow or struggling with making the transition from part-time real estate to full-time or you’ve been investing for years and need some marketing tips to take you to the next level, this is the show for you.

BiggerPockets Podcast 068: Being a Superhero House Flipper, Investor, and Team Leader with Mark Ferguson

Today on the BiggerPockets Podcast we sit down with real estate investor Mark Ferguson to talk about his adventures in flipping and renting single family homes in the Colorado market. Mark is truly a real estate superhero: managing a real estate sales team, flipping houses, making offers, being a landlord, and writing about real estate all while working less hours than the normal employee (all while also having twin toddlers at home!)

Mark has truly mastered the art of delegation, team building, and using systems to stay on track and find success in his business – and he shares all his secrets with us today, so don’t miss a second of this incredible show!

BiggerPockets Podcast 067: Overcoming Inaction, Direct Mail, and Becoming an Successful Wholesaler with Tim Gordon

On today’s episode of the BiggerPockets Podcast, we sit down and chat with a real estate investor who wasn’t seeing a lot of action in his business – until a friend challenged him to take his investing seriously and start treating it like a business.

Our guest today, Tim Gordon, accepted the challenge, changed his approach, and his business took off!  Several short years later, Tim Gordon runs a successful investment business that focuses primarily on finding and wholesaling incredible deals in a competitive market, making tens of thousands of dollars every month in his business while still working a day job. Tim shares with us the lessons he learned to overcome inaction and the steps needed to consistently fill his pipeline with deals worth tens of thousands of dollars.

Whether you are a new investor struggling to get your first deal, or you’ve been investing for years and need a motivational kick to take your business to new levels, this is the show for you.

BiggerPockets Podcast 066: Flips, Apartments, & Protecting Yourself From Professional Tenants with Michael Blank

On today’s show, we sit down with real estate entrepreneur Michael Blank to talk about his journey from a successful house flipping business and his entrance into apartment buildings… and the systems needed to run his investments well.

Michael is a business entrepreneur through and through and today we get to talk about everything from getting started, investing with no money, working with (and as) a wholesaler, and even hear the story of the professional tenant that almost destroyed Michael’s investment career!

This show is packed with useful, actionable tips, so don’t forget your pen and paper on this one… you are going to need it!

BiggerPockets Podcast 064: 50 Units in 5 Years while Working a Full Time Job with Josh Sterling

Working a full time job while investing in real estate is not always easy – but as our guest today shows us: it’s totally possible. On today’s show we chat with Josh Sterling, a real estate investor who has built up a portfolio of fifty units (complete with rehabs and doing his own management) all while working a full time job.

Discover the tricks, tactics, and systems that Josh has used, as well as an inside look at his creative finance methods to acquire these properties.  This show is definitely one that people will want to come back to time and time again!

BiggerPockets Podcast 063: Automating Your Investing, Long Distance Rehabs and Spec Building with J Scott

Today on the BiggerPockets Podcast we are thrilled to bring back one of the most popular guests we’ve ever had, J Scott.

Last time we dug into the process of house flipping, but today we dig much deeper into the ‘business’ of real estate investing and explore ways to automate your real estate investing business so you can spend less time working and more time doing the things you love. We also learn all about J’s venture into house flipping at a distance as well as his foray into spec building (and the lesson’s he learned… and things you should avoid!)

This show is incredibly inspiring and can help any new or seasoned investor improve their game – especially the 5 tips for automating your business, found toward the end of the show!

BiggerPockets Podcast 062: Managing Tenants For Maximum Profit & Minimal Stress with Phil Dwyer

Managing tenants can be a real pain.

Trust me.

However, on this episode of the BiggerPockets Podcast we sit down with a full time property manager to talk about the business of managing tenants – and discover ways to make it easier and more profitable for YOU.

Today Phil Dwyer from the Las Vegas area shares with us his story of becoming a real estate appraiser and transitioning to a successful property manager. In addition, we also discuss the best strategies for finding and managing the best property managers.

If you have any rental properties – or ever plan to – this is a ‘don’t miss’ episode!

BiggerPockets Podcast 060: From 0 to 68 Rental Units in Just Four Years with Serge Shukhat

Today we are pumped to bring you one of the most exciting conversations yet on the BiggerPockets Podcast when we sit down with Serge Shukhat, a real estate investor from the Arizona area who is absolutely crushing it in real estate. Serge started with no rental properties just four years ago but has quickly built up a sizable portfolio with a mix of both single family and multifamily properties using creative finance methods and using the cash flow to quit his job.

On this show we cover everything from getting started, choosing single family versus multifamily, tricks for dealing with tenants, increasing the value of your properties, and a ton more. This is definitely  a show you’ll want to take some notes, so get ready to have your mind blown!