Why Hitting Your “Goals” Isn’t Enough & Where 95% of Investors Unknowingly Fail

What makes a millionaire mindset? Everyone knows what it takes to become successful: hard work, grit, tenacity, and (usually) some form of intelligence. But with so many people (real estate investors specifically) working hard, day in and day out, why aren’t we seeing a plethora of unbelievably successful individuals? It turns out, the problem isn’t within the system of building wealth, but the individual.

Jason Drees, mindset coach and author of Do the Impossible, has seen numerous individuals come to him confused, doubtful, and wanting to do more. Within a matter of years or even months, these individuals poised on success attain things that would take most people many lifetimes. So what’s the difference between a massively successful investor and a moderately successful one?

In today’s show, Jason breaks down the alchemy behind building a business, a life you love, and massive wealth. He even takes a break to coach David and Rob on their future business plans, uncovering some roadblocks and new paths that they never even knew existed. If you’ve been stuck in analysis paralysis, or simply have a goal to get to fast, this is the episode to not only listen to but take notes and review so you can grow as well.

Seeing Greene: Questions from BiggerPockets’ Best and Brightest (Episode 600!)

Welcome episode 600 of the BiggerPockets Real Estate Podcast! Whether you’re a first-time listener or a David Greene addict, we’re happy to have you here. In today’s episode of Seeing Greene, David takes questions from some of the biggest names in the real estate investing space, including fan favorites like Ed Mylett, David Osborn, and even…Brandon Turner (he’s back!)

While this show features some high-level investors, the questions still apply to everyday investors. David answers questions ranging from how to find work-life balance, what to do to get your offer accepted in today’s hot market, how to balance skill with ambition, and where to start when hiring employees for your real estate investing business. Even if you’ve yet to buy your first rental property, advice like this could slingshot your wealth-building journey farther than you knew you could go!

Thanks again to all our celebrity guests for sending in their questions! Heard a question that resonated with you? Want to hear David’s thoughts on a certain topic? If so, submit your question here so David can answer it on the next episode of Seeing Greene. Hop on the BiggerPockets forums and ask other investors their take, or follow David on Instagram to see when he’s going live so you can hop on a live Q&A with the man himself.

The Investing “Cheat Code” of Opportunity Zone Rentals

Opportunity zone investing hasn’t always been around for real estate investors to take advantage of. But as the government began upping the incentives around this type of real estate investing, more tax-savvy investors started to pay attention. You may have heard of opportunity zones before, but you probably don’t know how much of a heavy hitter they are in the realm of tax reduction.

Someone who does know about opportunity zone investing is King Malaki Sims—CPA and avid real estate investor. He’s been buying and building homes in opportunity zones for years and makes the case that this type of investing truly is the best real estate “cheat code” out there. Through his simple strategy, Malaki has been able to not only defer taxes but in some cases, eliminate them entirely, just through simple, smart real estate investing.

Malaki shares how even a novice real estate investor can find, fund, finish, and furnish an opportunity zone rental property all while keeping Uncle Sam away from their hard-earned profits. If you want to build wealth without having to worry about 1031-ing your properties, Malaki is the man to listen to.

How to “Invest on Repeat” with The BRRRR Strategy

The BRRRR method can be taught by no one better than David Greene, author of Buy, Rehab, Rent, Refinance, Repeat, and adorably dubbed “Sir BRRRR” by co-host Rob Abasolo. While David may be a master of BRRRR budgets, schedules, and rehabs, Rob isn’t as familiar with doing full-on buy, rehab, rent, refinance, and repeat rentals. To not only help out Rob but the BiggerPockets audience as a whole, David does a full walkthrough on his latest BRRRR.

This hillside property situated in David’s native San Francisco Bay Area has huge potential to become a cash-flowing, equity-increasing deal. David is turning this large home into multiple smaller units that will rent out to A-class tenants and should net him a six-figure equity boost simply by doing these cash-flow-first renovations.

David walks through exactly how to find BRRRR properties, telltale signs of a good (or bad) BRRRR deal, how to use the BiggerPockets BRRRR calculator, funding options for your BRRRR (from David’s broker!), writing up a contractor scope of work (SOW), and how to build cash flow when there isn’t any to be found. You’ll also hear how David had a surprise run-in with the cops when walking this property. Action, excitement, and lots of equity are all coming up in this episode!

BiggerPockets Podcast 597: Seeing Greene: Should You Pay Off Debt or Invest in Real Estate?

Should you pay off debt or invest in real estate? Whether you’re young or old, rich or poor, in consumer debt or student debt, this is a question that almost everyone has. With inflation hitting decade-long heights, debt seems to be worth less and less every day. But, the other side to this coin is that asset prices, including real estate, are going up. Is there a right move to make, or are we stuck treading water without enough financial traction to stick to?

Hear answers to this question (and many more) on this week’s Seeing Greene, with your favorite host, agent, investor, and mortgage magician, David Greene. In this episode, you’ll hear topics touched on like whether to house hack or buy cash-flowing rentals, what to expect (and not expect) from your real estate agent, how to reduce (and account for) property taxes, how inflation and interest rates will affect the housing market and the best piece of advice David would give new real estate investors.

Heard a question that resonated with you? Want to hear David’s thoughts on a certain topic? If so, submit your question here so David can answer it on the next episode of Seeing Greene. Hop on the BiggerPockets forums and ask other investors their take, or follow David on Instagram to see when he’s going live so you can hop on a live Q&A and get real-time answers!

BiggerPockets Podcast 596: The 3 Ways to Find Profitable Properties that Big Investors Won’t Touch w/Amanda Cruise

Mobile home park investing wasn’t very attractive until a few years ago. Thanks to big names in the mobile home park space (like BiggerPockets’ own Brandon Turner), the mobile home investing game has become one of the hottest commodities in the world of real estate investing. But it must take a huge jump to go from investing in single-family rentals to double-digit-unit parks, right?

Today’s guest, Amanda Cruise, is here to tell you that bigger doesn’t always mean more challenging. She actually got out of single-family rental investing due to the non-stop headaches of dealing with contractors, property managers, and tenant maintenance problems. She started doing “Lonnie Deals” where she would seller-finance mobile homes to local buyers. Soon, after enough success, she moved on to tackling entire mobile home parks!

But how did Amanda beat out the competition when the mobile home park space is so hot? Thankfully, Amanda shares her three top tips on getting around institutional investors so you can purchase cash-flowing mobile home parks, without the headaches of syndicating or raising vast amounts of capital.

BiggerPockets Podcast 595: How to “Layer” Legal Protection So Lawsuits Won’t Touch Your Wealth w/Brian T. Bradley, Esq.

Most investors assume LLCs for rental properties are the way to go in terms of asset protection. From a novice’s point of view, LLCs seem to provide everything you would need?—anonymity, simple tax filing statuses, and legal protection. But, an LLC in reality isn’t as airtight as most real estate investors think. And the worst time to learn about the limitations of an LLC is during a lawsuit, where your wealth (and sanity) is at risk.

To stop you from guessing when it comes to asset protection, we’ve brought on our go-to expert and heavy hitter asset protection lawyer, Brian T. Bradley, Esq. Not only is Brian well versed in the realm of asset protection, but he’s also helped numerous clients protect their real estate wealth, making him the perfect person to ask about LLCs, limited partnerships, trusts, and more.

Brian walks through the different types of legal “layering” that real estate investors can set up to protect themselves from lawsuits and angry creditors. He defines exactly how each type of real estate investor should set up their assets as their net worth expands, and what to do BEFORE you get served with a lawsuit. While Brian may not know your personal situation, he does speak with years of experience serving high-net-worth investor clients and can relay their mistakes (so you don’t make them too).

BiggerPockets Podcast 594: Seeing Greene: FHA Loans, Cash Flow Shrinkage, & Bidding $200k Over Asking

Inflation and cash flow have been fighting against each other for decades. As soon as you increase the rent on an income property, inflation comes right in to eat some of that gain. So in today’s borderline hyperinflationary environment, is cash flow still coming out on top? A better question to ask may be, what happens in five, ten, or twenty years? Will inflation completely erode your financial freedom dreams? Or will cash flow match (or beat) this destructive force.

This isn’t just a question that impacts real estate investors—it affects almost every individual working within today’s economy. In today’s episode of Seeing Greene, David goes deep into this question (and others) so you, the investors, can have a better understanding of our economy as a whole. You’ll also hear topics like whether or not you can transfer title on an FHA loan, what to do when bidding wars push prices well above market comparables, when to cosign and when to ask for a cosigner, and what every investor in their twenties should start doing today.

Heard a topic that you wanted more explanation on? Want to ask David a question you’ve never heard before? If so, submit your question here so David can answer it on the next episode of Seeing Greene. Hop on the BiggerPockets forums and ask other investors their take, or follow David on Instagram to see when he’s going live so you can hop on a live Q&A and get your question answered on the spot!

BiggerPockets Podcast 593: The Ethical Wholesaler: Putting People Before Property Profits w/Jamil Damji

The words “ethical” and “wholesaling” are rarely used in the same sentence. For the most part, many real estate investors and agents look at wholesalers as deceptive, hard to read, and for the most part just looking to make a quick buck. While this may be true for many new wholesalers, it’s far from the truth for Jamil Damji. If anything, Jamil wants to put an end to inexperienced, and often financially dangerous wholesaling.

You could say Jamil was made to be a wholesaler. He had hustle, cold calling skills, and the will to succeed after being rejected from medical school simply due to his age. He set up a website-building business and got the hang of cold-calling quite quickly. After overhearing a discussion about a real estate deal between his partner and his partner’s father, Jamil decided to take his sales skills and turn them into something a bit more profitable. He made a phone call to a local property owner, secured a deal for his partner, and walked away with a $47,000 assignment fee.

Now, Jamil runs one of the most respected wholesaling companies in the United States. He’s set up an “everyone wins” style of wholesaling where sellers, buyers, and intermediaries in between all get paid fair prices while incentivizing each party to do what’s best for the other. This is a brand new concept in the field of wholesaling and one that Jamil wants to see flourish throughout the industry. If you want to learn how Jamil and his team do sixty to eighty deals a month, all while building a loyal customer base, this is the place to be.

BiggerPockets Podcast 591: Seeing Greene: The Cash Flow Market “Mirage” That Traps New Investors

Cash flow markets are a hotspot for new real estate investors. Why? They’re inexpensive to get into, show great cash flow (on paper), and allow many investors to map their date of financial freedom. The downside? Cash flow markets are different in real life than they are on paper. What may look like a phenomenal rental property at first glance could turn into a tenant nightmare and cash flow hemorrhaging situation. So who should invest in these types of real estate markets?

Questions just like this (and more) are coming up in this episode of Seeing Greene. As usual, David Greene, your expert on all things real estate, is here to answer quick questions from both rookie and veteran investors. In today’s show, David touches on topics like BRRRRing vs. buying multiple properties, 2022 housing market predictions, how to raise capital for your deals, qualifying for financing without strong income, and why 2022 may be the perfect year to go into debt!

Heard a question that resonated with you? Want to hear David’s thoughts on a certain topic? If so, submit your question here so David can answer it on the next episode of Seeing Greene. Hop on the BiggerPockets forums and ask other investors their take, or follow David on Instagram to see when he’s going live so you can hop on a live Q&A with the man himself.